Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Do you have a face like that? It's horrible, isn't it?
If you have it, you probably already did all things like me, putting toothpaste, try cutting it, squeezing.. But the acne is still there, right?
There are also a lot of products to buy and all tells you: "ACNE? NO MORE! USE (fake product here)"
Don't be a dumb! Stay away from products without any reference or a sure it will help you with this big problem called ACNE.
Proactiv is a good product, I know, but do you know the risks of using it?
It contains Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid, two powerfull ingredients, but with common side effects such as painfully red, scaly, dry, and flaky skin.
Can you avoid Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicyclic Acid? Do it! Try to be away from Proactiv
Search for an acne treatment that works. There are lots of in the internet. Just browse and you will see that without using Proactiv you can get even better results!
This is a tip for you. Have a better life, I know acne is bad, but I also know that it have treatment!